1. Jan Didden writes in Audio
Express (2/07) about his visiting Indonesian audiophiles. One had his turntable
resting on a granite bock 2' by 3' by 6". After some gorgeous LP playback,
the CD of the same program was played. It was no contest: the CD sounded dull,
flat and lifeless. He found this disturbing since he is an "A/B/X" kind
of guy. He speculated what would a CDR copy of the output of the phono preamp
sound like. In a postscript, some friends of his tried the experiment and the
CDR copy sounded like.......an LP.
2. In the January 2008 Stereophile,
Wes Philips reviews the $6000 Mcintosh MS750 Music Server. It inverted signal
polarity, a dumb mistake that surely the Old McIntosh would not have made. John
Atkinson reviews the Benchmark DAC1 USB D/A processor and Headphone Amplifier.
He found under certain circumstances with 16 bit audio it went "deaf"
below -67dBFS. He confirmed this with the fade to zero with dither on the CBS
CD-1. That disc is long gone, but the BAS CD has a similar track.
3. For BAS members out of town
we have a special offer for Jazz lovers. A package of 30 Jazz CDs, randomly picked
from Ira Leonard's collection, for $22 including shipping in the USA. To order,
send a check, made out to "Boston Audio Society", to David Hadaway,
POB 460, Rindge NH 03461. These were donated to the Society by Ira's brother,
Joe Leonard.
President, Boston Audio Society
email me HERE