1. In an historic first,
the January BAS Winter CES meeting was live broadcast in streaming video and audio
over the web on our website. Our Webmaster, Barry Ober, in Florida, says he was
receiving it. I wonder if others were able to view it? This meeting is still available
for archived / delayed viewing, HERE.
2. I wanted to transfer some videotapes to DVD.
After failing with a computer-based USB input program, I bought a Polaroid DRA-01601A
DVD Recorder with 160GB hard Disc Drive. I did succeed with it, although the instructions
are arcane. I recorded 4 program segments onto the hard drive, edited them to
remove unwanted material, arranged them in order, titled them (11 characters max!)
and burned a DVD. There are 6 different quality settings, allowing 1 hour to 6
hours on the DVDR. The DVD has chapters for the 4 segments, and indexes every
5 to 7 minutes. The recorder is noisy -- the combination of fan and disc drive
is audible 20 feet away in my listening room. At least when you turn it off it
is quiet. I finally fashioned a cardboard box to surround it on all sides except
the back and cut an opening for the infrared sensor and put a piece of clear plastic
over it. I cut an opening for the disc drive and put a swing down flap over it.
Adding a 150 ohm resistor in series with the fan brought the noise to a reasonable
level. It also has a digital tuner and can be used for time shifting, and has
a USB port for computer interface. It does quirky things at times, betraying its
computer origins. It is available for about $150.
3. Warner Music Group has announced that it
will sell songs and albums without anticopying software through Amazon's fledgling
digital music service. In their catalog is the Reginald Goodall "Ring"
in English. NYT 26De07
4. For BAS members out of town we have a special
offer for Jazz lovers. A package of 30 Jazz CDs, randomly picked from Ira Leonard's
collection, for $22 including shipping in the USA. To order, send a check, made
out to "Boston Audio Society", to David Hadaway, POB 460, Rindge NH
03461. These were donated to the Society by Ira's brother, Joe Leonard.

President, Boston Audio Society
email me HERE