BAS Message
September 2010

Webmasters Note: This space will (from May, 2009 forward) be called The BAS Message, since it may be written by someone other than the President of the BAS. —Barry

1. V32N3 of the BAS Speaker has been published. It features the Sept 09 meeting on Free Broadasting (DTBl and HD Radio) by John S. Allen and the 2010 CES and T.H.E. Show reports by Alvin Foster, Edward Gonzalez and Phyllis Eliasberg.

2.The complete opus of Chord and Discord, the publication of the Bruckner Society of America, starting with V1 N1 in 1932, is now available onine on John F. Berky's website. Also Gabriel Engel's "The Life of Anton Bruckner". See:

Neutrik Convertcon  

3. Neutrik now has a single XLR connector with selectable gender. "Select male or female gender simply by sliding nickel/silver housing back and forth".

See the Neutrik page HERE.

Webmaster's note: Now if they put a pair of switches in them, I could make a phase inverter AND a ground lift adapter all-in-one!! — Barry



4. Simon Glik was stopped for a traffic violation and used his cellphone to record the event. He was arrested because of that. His lawyer, Howard Friedman, writes in the Boston globe that The Globe refers to Massachusetts as a 'two party consent' state. This is only true for secret recording. However consent is not required for openly recording sound. The Supreme Judicial Court made clear in 2001 in the case of Commmonwealth v. Hyde that "holding a recorder in plain sight would not violate the law. Since Glik's cellphone was in plain sight, he did not violate the stature and should never have been arrested. Boston Globe 10Fe10.

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The Boston Audio Society
PO BOX 260211
Boston MA 02126

problems? email Barry:

updated 10/16/10