1. V43n4 of the BAS Speakers has been published. It features Leo Ayzenshtat of Orchard Audio, a history of early FM by Nick Noiseux and Speaker Driver Conditioning by Peter Brown
2. Audiobooks
Edward Herrmann, a prolific actor who narrated dozens of audiobooks, has been dead for almost a decade. But that hasn't prevented him from being the voice of several recent audiobooks.
Mr. Herrmann's latest work is generated by DeepZen Ltd., a London-based artificial-intelligence startup that was given access to the actor's past recordings with his family's permission. From that trove, DeepZen said it is able to generate any sound and intonation that Mr. Herrmann would have used if he were narrating these new books himself.
"We felt it was an amazing way to carry on his legacy," said Rory Herrmann, a Los Angeles restaurateur and Mr. Herrmann's son. NYT 7Ap23
3. A new, temporary BAS website has been set up to keep our members and others informed about what’s happening in our audio/video world and the Society. (You will be notified when a new link to the permanent BAS site is available.)
The new site, which will contain BAS meeting notices and other information, same as the BAS Facebook page, is at www.hajinlian.net/bas.
Our PO address and our YouTube channel are unchanged,
PO 211
Boston MA 260211
www.youtube.com/@bostonaudiosociety ,
where recorded meetings are available for viewing 7-10 days after the live meeting.