Notice for October 2019
Date: Sunday, October
27th, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM 9:PM
Place: Boston University,
Life Science & Engineering Bldg, 24 Cummington
Mall, 1st Floor, Conference Room 103, Boston, MA
Featured: Jim Doucas
& his new ZOOM
F6 Digital Recorder/Playback
(+ Music Meeting planning for the November Meeting)
This meeting is dedicated to
learning about a new field recording technology
from ZOOM Corp, Japan and our in-house test results.
Among its unique features are its low cost, $650.
Whats new about this technology
is the ZOOM F6 FIELD RECORDER. It is a low-cost
6-channel digital recorder with a dynamic range
in excess of 120 dB! It is small 4
w x 4 .7 deep x 2.5 tall; it weighs
about a pound, can take AC, or 4-AA batteries internally
or a Sony L type camcorder battery. It can handle
SDXC cards up to 1-TB, potentially recording all
day, and it is totally portable. Jim Doucas will
demonstrate his recorder/player and present test
results we ran at Fosters Test Bench to ensure
it is living up to specifications, and supply what
we know about how ZOOM implemented this design.
Refreshments will be available
at 5:30 PM