January 2022


Date: SATURDAY, January 8, 2022, 1:30 PM Eastern

Place: ZOOM

Featured Guests: Martin Colloms, editor of HIFI CRITIC magazine, www.hificritic.com © 2014-2020

Topic: How should we navigate Audio/Video magazines in the digital age, and why do many still run analogue systems based on the LP?

We are delighted that the illustrious Martin Colloms, editor of HIFI CRITIC magazine will be our ZOOM guest. He will join us from the UK.

This is a joint meeting of The Audiophile Society, The NJ Audio Society, and the Boston Audio Society. The meeting will begin at 1:30, with Martin Colloms' Q&A starting at 2:00 PM. Participants should “raise their hands” using the Zoom “Reactions” to ask questions.

The HIFI Critic Magazine is an independent, advertisement free, audio review magazine. It features Colloms and the erudite editor of the Gramophone, Andrew Everard. Martin Colloms has a passion for audio and music and has written for many of the key hi-fi magazines worldwide. Martin has designed speakers for companies other than Monitor Audio and/or consulted on other speaker designs. The hard copy subscription costs $120 Airmail to USA. Over the years, the magazine has accumulated an endless list of reviews featuring hundreds of amplifiers, loudspeakers, and turntables.

Join the Zoom Meeting

Ken Schwarz is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: Saturday January 8, 2022, from 1:30 - 3:30 PM Eastern (SUGGEST 1:15 PM ) 


Meeting ID: 832 1157 3663

Passcode: 869091

  PLEASE NOTE that the login link, Meeting ID, and Passcode

If you are using a computer and this is your first time with Zoom, give yourself at least 15-20 minutes prior to the meeting to set things up: you click on the link in the Zoom instructions below and will be guided to download the Zoom software, HERE:

You can use your computer’s audio if you have a headset attached, or you can dial-in for audio. If you have a smart phone or tablet and a good internet connection, then you should install the Zoom app for your device and connect using it.


The Boston Audio Society
PO BOX 260211
Boston MA 02126

problems? email Barry: webmaster@bostonaudiosociety.org

updated 12/31/21