The September Zoom Only Meeting
Date: Saturday, September 28, 2024, 2:00 PM EDT
Location: Zoom Only!
Featured Guests: All BAS members
Topic/Activity: Open Forum
The BAS Open Forum and business discussion will start at 2:00 PM. As usual, the public is invited. Come see what the BAS is about!
During the open forum, you may discuss and present snippets of your favorite recordings or recordings you have made. Alvin Foster will present a You Tube video on the useability of 32-bit recordings. You are encouraged to present topics to discuss and what the ideal audio and video system may contain.
The Boston Audio Society is a gathering place for audio and video hobbyists. For 52-years, we have worked diligently to create an atmosphere of audio education at its best. Our interest and focus have grown and changed to include quality video. To celebrate our efforts to spread non-fake audio & video news, we are asking you to share your thoughts on our audio and video future. Remember, our goal is to keep manufacturers honest by arming consumers with good advice.
Hope to see you Saturday September 28, at 2:00PM