1. We now have an effective system in place for sending email monthly meeting notices (including a monthly message from the Society). If you wish to
be on the list, send an email to amfmail@gis.net. If you are willing to help the Society financially by foregoing
the printed notice, request it by a brief message (stop printed notice) in your email. We appreciate the help.
2. [Courtesy of Doug Pomeroy]
Issue #5 of Surround Sound Professional features an article by Tomlinson Holman on the subject of sample rates, "bit budget bingo", which
seems to me to be a really outstanding overview of the subject. One of his conclusions, by the way, is that any sample rate above 60kHz is overkill
and a waste of storage space.
3. The September 1999 Scientific American has an article on the throat-singers of Tuva (Central Asia). They can sing two tones simultaneously-- it
seems impossible that such sounds can be produced by the human voice. Accompanying is a review of how the vocal tract produces and modifies sound. (Tuva
was the object of a quixotic quest by the late Richard Feynman, documented by his acolyte Robert Leighton in a PBS program and the book "Tuva or
Bust! Richard Feynman's Last Journey"). www.sciam.com, click on "feature articles"
4. Y2K workaround (courtesy of Peter Allen)
VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER IN YR 2000: If your VCR has a year setting on it, which most do, you MAY not be able to use the programmed recording feature
after 12/31/99. Don't throw it away. Instead set it for the year 1972 as the days are the same as the year 2000.