1. The French movie "Le Choristes",
or "The Chorus" has had a major impact in France. A story
about rejected children in a boarding school learning self worth
through singing, it prompted 300,000 people to join choirs. It's
a remake of the 1940s weepie La Cage aux Rossignols. Now in release
in the UK, no doubt wending its way here. So start practicing your
scales in the shower and remember you heard it here first. BBC Music
Magazine My05
2. Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab's
"ULTRADISC" recordable CD is said to have a life expectancy
of 300 years, based on accelerated life tests. It has a 99.9% gold
reflective layer and a patented dye which resists breakdown on exposure
to light and heat. It also has a reinforced coating layer which
resists scratching. They only offer 1X to 12X blanks, believing
that that offers better performance than higher speeds. They sell
retail for $2 to 3 each. [I played one of my CDR masters dating
from 1997 and it was perfect. They are kept in a dry, dark and cool
environment. I have heard reports of CDRs not playing after long
storage, however I wonder if they were error-free to begin with.
I didn't archive any 80 minute CDRs until they were proven to be
David Hadaway
President, Boston Audio Society