President's Message
July 2006

1.  V28n2 of the BAS Speaker has been published. It features the Dec 04 meeting at Paul Milner Audiology office, including high frequency tests of attendees with comparisons with the same person's tests of some 13 years before, by David Hadaway; CES reports by John S. Allen, Mar 06 Mead Killion of Etymotic Research by John S. Allen. David Weinberg continues his survey of early SMPTE journals, and review Bob Katz's book on mastering audio. 34pp

2.  Lead organ pipes may be banned in the European Union due to ROHS (Reduction of Hazardous Substances) regulations, aimed at eliminating lead from electrical equipment. [This is not a joke] Tracker organs are exempt since they do not employ electronics. NYT My06

President, Boston Audio Society

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The Boston Audio Society
PO BOX 260211
Boston MA 02126

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updated 8/6/06