0. V29N3 of the BAS Speaker has been published.
There is a synopsis of Brad Meyer's year-long series of ABX tests of whether 16
bit 44.1 kHz audio is sufficient for the highest quality audio recordings. The
full report is scheduled for the September 2007 AES Journal and will appear in
some form later in the Speaker. One meeting summary: Crowley and Tripp Ribbon
Microphones by David Hadaway, with extensive additional discussion. The Shure
SE530PTH in-ear monitor is reviewed by 3 listeners independently, Richard Freed,
David Weinberg, and Phyliss Eliasberg. Plus interesting reprints. 32pp.
1. "Looking for a classical CD you heard
somewhere, but can't find it? Have an LP you'd love to have on CD, but don't know
if it has ever been transferred? Ask us. www.searchclassical.com,
info@searchclassical.com" (It
is not an automated search, you write them with the pertinent info).
2. The Washington DC section of SMPTE is hosting
a special free four-hour seminar focused on display calibration, to be held on
20 October 2007, beginning at 9AM at the American Film Institute's Silver Theater
#2, 8633 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 (in downtown Silver Spring)
301-495-6700; www.AFI.com/silver
3. Industry video consultant Joe Kane (JKP Productions;
will discuss and demonstrate the need for and benefits of proper display calibration.
In this seminar (primarily for production and post-production professionals, dealers,
calibrators, and custom installers) he will address in technical depth the science
of electronic imaging and accurately reproducing video signals on all types of
displays. For further information, please contact: David J. Weinberg Manager,
SMPTE - DC section, 301-593-3230, WeinbergDJ@BostonAudioSociety.org
For BAS members out of town we have a special offer for Jazz lovers. A package
of 30 Jazz CDs, randomly picked from Ira Leonard's collection, for $22 including
shipping in the USA. To order, send a check, made out to "Boston Audio Society",
to David Hadaway, POB 460, Rindge NH 03461. These were donated to the Society
by Ira's brother, Joe Leonard.

President, Boston Audio Society
email me HERE