Webmasters Note: This space will now (from
May, 2009 forward) be called The BAS Message, since it may be written by someone
other than the President of the BAS. Barry
1. The "Noise stick" from Rational
Acoustics can be plugged in to a phantom-powered microphone input and it generates
pink noise. It is hand-built in the U.S. and features hand-matched transistors,
1 per cent resistors and a Linear Feedback Shift register (LFSR) random-number
gererator that provides a pseudorandom signal with statistical properties and
without any audible repeats. The output of the noise stick's random-number genrator
drives a hand-tuned filter bank that delivers a pink spectrum that is nominally
flat within +/- 0.5dB from 20 Hz to 10 kHz on a fractional-octave analyzer

email me here
Webmasters Note: I got a noise plug -- essentially
the same thing, from Parts-Express HERE.
Or go to www.parts-express.com
and search for NP-1. They also have a Tone Plug, TP-1, HERE.
And they also have the Gold Line 1k GL-1k
; less money but not as cute as the multifunction tone plug.
Thay all work great and should stand up to the abuse of carrying them in your
pocket at every live sound gig.