Webmasters Note: This space will (from May,
2009 forward) be called The BAS Message, since it may be written by someone other
than the President of the BAS. Barry
1. I watch a BluRay of Torchwood, a recent BBC
SF TV series. The picture was fine, but the dialog was heavily compressed. A whisper
was the same as a shout. If it were on VHS it would be a better match of audio
and video quality. (The dynamic range of the human voice is 60 dB, more than just
about any instrument. Ref. Audio Cyclopedia)
2. "Killer TV" Australian researchers
who tracked 8,800 people for an average of six years found that those who said
they watched TV for more than four hours a day were 46% mor likely to die of any
cause and 80% more likely to die of cardiovascular disease than people who reported
spending less than two hours a day in front of the tube. The results most likely
apply to any sedentary activity. Indeed a recent Canadian study liked increasing
time sitting down for any reason to higher risk of death from heart related reasons
and from any cause. WSJ 12Ja10

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