1. In a new study, adult rats exposed to 65 dB
sound roughly the upper level of normal human speech volume for
10 hours daily, after 2 months did not perform as well on listening tests and
had fewer nerve cells that are involved in detecting sound. It suggests that the
brain was altered by the sound conditioning. [Remember those Maaban tribes with
their perfect hearing in old age...] Science News 16Jn12
2. French Researchers have developed "midprice"
wallpaper that would block cellular and WiFi signals while letting through AM/FM
waves and emergency transmissions. Developed by engineers at the Grenoble Institute
of Technology and the Centre Technique du Papier--and making use of a conductive
ink containing silver particles (a passive block, not a jamming system)--the wallpaper
will be marketed to people concerned about outsiders' snooping on their private
networks as well as those who, for perceived health reasons, simply want to shield
themselves from as many electromagnetic waves as possible. [and never hear a cellphone
go off at a concert] WSJ 26My12

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