BAS Message
Sept 2014

1.  For members outside the Boston area the BAS Speaker is the link for activities of the BAS. However in the BASS there is not much local content, just the meeting summaries which are all too infrequent. I propose that we write up the open forum that precedes every meeting, as a separate item if there is not a meeting summary in the works. There would be a payment of $25 for a not-too-burdensome job. I will do a couple to get started if need be. I will bring it up at the next meeting.

2.  Hello all! Here is a link to the Greater Boston Chapter Acouctical Society of America website with information regarding Leo Beranek’s BSO birthday on September 19.
Please feel free to forward this to anyone who may be interested.
Thanks! Liz Lamour, GBC-ASA Chair

email me here


The Boston Audio Society
PO BOX 260211
Boston MA 02126

problems? email Barry:

updated 10/13/14