1. LP Lovers Live Longer
Whether you're a heavy sitter or a binge-sitter,
racking up prolonged sedentary time increases your risk of early
death, according to a study published in Annals of internal Medicine.
That conclusion held up even after researchers
took into account of time spent exercising. Even for people who
hit the gym after a long day in a desk chair, sitting can be deadly.
The findings led the study's authors to suggest
that people who sit a lot should get up and move around every 30
minutes to counter the health risks that come with prolonged sedentary
The study team tracked the movements of close
to 8000 Americans older than 45 by asking them to wear an accelerometer
on their hip. :Accumulation of large amounts of sedentary
time is hazardous health behavior regardless of how it is accumulated.
But logging sedentary time in shorter bouts of sitting is
the least harmful pattern of accumulation. Keene Sentinal

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