1. Look to Cloud to Safeguard
Your Digital Life by David Pierce
When it comes to keeping our digital files
safe, you should follow the 3-2-1 rule. Coined by photographer
Peter Krogh and now so widely respected that the government
recommends it, the rule goes like this: Have at least 3 copies
of everything, on at least two different types of media, at
least one of which should be somewhere else. Two computer copies
and cloud storage are one way. He reviews four of the biggest
services: i Cloud, OneDrive, Google Drive, and Dropbox. [ I
like the idea of hard storage so I have copies on two hardrives,
and when I accumulate enough material (concerts), I burn a DVD
for my files and an M-Disc archival DVD which holds about 4.3
GB which I give to the client.
Flash drives are an interesting possibility
since their prices have been dropping. They have a finite number
of record-erase cycles but I have not seen any limitation on
their lifespan when just stored. They are small so could easily
fit in a glass jar which would preserve them (buried in the
back yard!)]
From Steve Owades: This outfit is offering
packages of lifetime archival storage at an appealing
price. I dont know them, so youd want to check into
exactly what they mean by optimizing the stored
data to ensure that they arent imposing some sort of lossy
offer link here
Wall Street Journal 10Se18

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