BAS Message
February 2019

1.  The Real Reason for 4K and 8K Resolution by Edward Reuss

While many claim that UHD (4K) resolution television is beyond the visual acuity of the average viewer, making UHD unnecessary over a regular HD (2K) image resolution, viewers can easily detect certain spatial artifacts, such as edge “jaggies” and moiré patterns, at HD resolutions if they know what to look for. However, increasing the image resolution to 4 K or even 8 K, will not eliminate these spatial artifacts. They are a result of the sampling of the image into discrete pixels, and artifacts can occur at any resolution, even 1000K. The only way to minimize these spatial artifacts is to apply a low-pass anti-alias filter cross the image. However at HD resolutions the filter blurs the image, which is also perceptible.

The introduction of high-dynamic range (HDR) and wide color gamut (WCG) formats will only enhance the impact of the spatial artifacts.
- SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal March 2017

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— Webmaster's note: For those interested, Wikipedia has a rather superb page on resolution standards, here:



The Boston Audio Society
PO BOX 260211
Boston MA 02126

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updated 2/12/19