1. Last year the global games market
generated $152.1 billion from 2.5 billion gamers and is now
larger than both the film and the music industries combined.
And as the size and scope of its soundtracks, with bigger budgets
allowing composers to look to lavish film scores for inspiration.
BBC MusicNv20
--The average Chinese child spends twice
as much time with videogames as an American one.
The Chinese government has ordered that
children spend no more than 3 hours a week on videogames.
[Nice to be in a totalitarian state]
2. Non audio item
Plantar Fasciitis
Someone mentioned Plantar Fasciitis and
I didnt know what it was so I did some research. Its
not in my copy of The American Medical Association Home Medical
Encyclopedia (1989) so it must be a recent problem, perhaps
due to increasing obesity and increasingly sedentary life styles.
I went to the Mayo Clinic site and found
some information.
It is a problem with the arch of the foot,
mainly where the muscle attaches to the heel. It is a tendon
injury and can be very painful. Tendons have almost no blood
supply so healing takes a long time. Risk factors include obesity,
marathon running, walking, and standing. The treatments suggested
may promote healing but otherwise are useless and dont
help you to prevent it in the future. Stretching is no benefit.
They recommend icing which is entirely discredited. (The inventor
of R.I.C.E has renounced it!) It slows the healing process.
What is needed is impact-based exercise
to strengthen the muscles and tendons involved.
Then why do marathon runners suffer from
it? The answer is that running is in one plane and strengthens
your arch in only one direction. All other directions become
weak, even weaker than if you didnt jog at all. The body
has finite resources and will devote them to what it perceives
as most important. Running on a treadmill is even worse and
running on broken terrain is in between.
What I do is Circular Jogging which stresses
the foot by impacts in a 360 degree arc so you are protected
from injury at every angle. I jog in place for 18 minutes every
day while moving my feet through an arc of 360 degrees.
Someone asked about jogging on beach sand
(or jogging through water). This gives good aerobic exercise
but otherwise promotes the myth that low impact exercise is
good for you.
There is evidence that cartilage likes
cyclical loading and, conversely, steady pressure is bad. Animal
studies have shown that cyclical loading causes cartilage cells
to divide and replenish the tissue. Conversely, continuous pressure
can overload the tissue and cause more cells to die than are
replenished. (It may be a cartilage problem with the heel, masquerading
as PF).
If you have to stand or walk for long
periods use arch supports and do 18 minutes of Circular Jogging
a day (without supports).
I have never had Planter Fasciitis and
havent had a sports (tennis) injury in 9 years.

email me here