The BAS is having a Flea Market
Saturday May 28, 10:00 AM-2:00 PM (rain date Sunday May 29,
1-5:00 PM) in the town of Rindge in the beautiful Monadnock
Region of New Hampshire.
Bring stuff you want to sell. Dealer fee
is $2. There is ample free parking.
There is a large quantity of electronic
parts (mostly free) .
Also vintage stuff--SVHS VCRs (including
High Definition), Laserdisc player + Jazz discs, Behringer DSP8024,
Sound Concepts 550, Marantz DP870, dbx 119, Audio and Video
Test equipment including a wow and flutter meter, a TV/Satellite
signal strength meter, an Audio Precision System One test set
(free), audio/video/computer cables, speaker wire, antenna hardware,
some speakers and ADS car speakers, Janis W-1 subwoofers, 3
Fender 110XP, single Allison One, Janszen 130 Quadpod
electrostatic M/T, JBL "egg" subwoofers, headphones,
parts cabinets both full and empty, DIY chassis, breadboard,
Sears Craftsman table saw, Heathkit AC supply, Magnecord 1020
open reel tape recorder (needs belt), 2 Hall Effect Hitachi
D-7500 cassette decks (need belts), Revox cassette deck (repair),
turntable (repair), W10 laptop, rock tumbler, sleep inducer,
Ukrainian Purple tomato plants and many other items!
There is a list of items here:
For directions, please email me below.

email me here