1. The BAS Speaker is soliciting
submissions in July for the August issue. Now is your chance
to share your audio observations, positive, negative or neutral,
with the promise of prompt publication. It doesnt have
to be long. For example:
Long Movie, Short Review
Interstellar, directed by Christopher
Nolan (DVD, 168 min). Never could figure out what it was
about. Muddled science. Audio compressedshouting
comes out at conversational level.
2. The Audiophile Society (NY)
invites us to a Zoom meeting July 20, Wednesday,
7:30 PM with Norman Varney, Noise and Vibration from
an Audiophiles Perspective. He is the Principal
Consultant for A/V
RoomService, Ltd and has designed well over 500 critical
listening rooms around the world.
Register in advance for this meeting:

email me here